Chemical Technology at CFCC

In 2020, with the help of the National Science Foundation, the Chemical Technology program began to develop a number of outreach programs organized and operated under the "C-TECH Academy". The C-TECH Academy at Cape Fear Community College consists of annual engagement activities for the local community. The C-TECH Academy highlights laboratory training and the use of state-of-the-art analytical equipment in the fields of pharmaceutical, environmental, cosmetics, forensics, and food/beverage. More information about each activity can be found below.
These activities have been funded by the National Science Foundation, ATE Award: 1956274
Engagement Events
Audience: High School Teachers
Offering: Summer
Length: Two Weeks
The C-TEaCH Academy is designed as a professional development opportunity for high school teachers. The event is two-week learning experience, focused on introducing laboratory techniques and analytical instrumentation in the chemical technology field.
Audience: High School Students
Offering: Summer
Length: One Week
The CT-CAMP is designed to introduce high school students to the field of chemical technology. Various laboratory testing techniques are introduced throughout the one-week learning experience. No science background is required to participate.
Audience: General Public
Offering: Fall & Spring Semesters
Length: One Day
Regarded as general information sessions, the CT-Discovery meetings introduce participants to the laboratory sciences. These one-day discovery events are perfect opportunities to determine if Chemical Technology is the correct career path for you.